Starting from a community called H3llo DJ Community which was formed on December 25, 2013 located in Denpasar – Bali, the large number of enthusiasts who wanted to learn to DJ made the H3llo DJ Community receive many students. Therefore, H3llo DJ Community has decided in November 2016 which once was a DJ community to a DJ Management and School.

Officially bearing the name H3llo DJ School now has more than 100 members and students, H3llo DJ School has received C accreditation from the Bali Provincial Education and Sports Office and is in the process of qualifying for level B accreditation, is one of the DJ schools with the best curriculum,  international standard equipment, teaching systems, and experienced instructors.

Companies engaged in entertainment, DJ schools, and DJ equipment shops. In addition, we also provide opportunities for DJs who graduated from H3llo DJ School to be able to perform in various entertainment venues which aim to increase their confidence and experience in terms of achieving our vision and mission.