This page provides various kind of information and DJ studio rental price lists for your needs, click to visit to your destination page.
Halaman ini menyediakan berbagai macam informasi dan daftar harga sewa studio DJ yang anda inginkan, silahkan klik dan kunjungi halaman tujuan anda.
1. Determine the studio that you desire.
2. Contact our staff and ask about the availability of the studio you chose.
3. Read and agree upon our rental terms and conditions.
4. Pay the 50% deposit to lock the schedule and studio that you chose.
5. The listed price is for 1 hour (60 minutes) rental.
1. Studio equipments consist of DJ Equipment, DJ Table, and Speaker.
2. The studio that is rented is not including Headphones, Flashdisk, and Laptop.
3. If you have chosen the Turntable DJ equipment is not included Turntable needle, Phase, DJ Software, and Vinyl/Time Code.
1. Let us know if you are bringing an additional equipment.
2. Prohibited to bring food and drinks as well as to smoke or vape inside our studio and above our DJ equipments.
3. Prohibited to bring forbidden objects, weapons, and illegal drugs and narcotics.
4. Prohibited to move or damage the items that are inside of the studio.
5. Any form of equipment damage during rental caused by the user negligence and not complying to the terms and service then the repair cost is borne entirely to the renter.
1. Tentukan studio yang anda inginkan.
2. Hubungi staff kami, tanyakan ketersediaan studio yang anda inginkan.
3. Membaca dan menyetujui persyaratan serta ketentuan sewa -menyewa.
4. Membayar deposit 50% untuk mengunci jadwal dan studio yang diinginkan.
5. Harga yang tertera untuk 1 jam (60 menit).
1. Kelengkapan studio Alat DJ,Meja DJ, dan Speaker.
2. Studio yang anda sewa tidak termasuk Headphones, Flashdisk, dan Laptop.
3. Jika anda memilih alat Turntable DJ tidak termasuk Jarum turntable, Phase, DJ Software, dan Vinyl/Time Code.
1. Beritahu kami jika anda membawa peralatan tambahan.
2. Dilarang membawa atau makan, minum, merokok dan vaping didalam ruangan studio dan diatas alat DJ kami.
3. Tidak membawa benda terlarang, senjata terlarang, obat-obatan dan narkotika ke studio.
4. Tidak memindahkan atau merusak barang yang ada didalam ruangan studio.
5. Kerusakan alat selama penyewaan dikarenakan kelalaian pengguna, tidak dipatuhinya syarat dan ketentuan, maka biaya perbaikan ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh penyewa.